Unlimited Ammo Mechs


Ok here I will mention those mech varients that I feel work well in mplayer. Any way those mechs marked FF are for FragFest matches following those rules I posted on the wp forum and most people will have a config for this sort of match. You will notice that at the moment all mechs are marked FF as I haven't designed any for no ammo matches.

NB: all UA matches can be very laggy due to the sheer volume of data that is required so do not be suprised if two people firing at you at the same time causes a crash.

In the No.1 slot we have our favourite Assault mech the Diashi (most UA mechs are of the Assault class):

1)meatball1: 2 Ultra ac 20s, 1 LBX ac 5, TC lots of DHs, Max armor and as bigg an engine as possible. ammo= 2t Uac20+ 1t LBXac5.

2) Pot shot 2: 2 Ultra ac 10s, 2LBX ac5s and equip as above. ammo= 2t Uac10+ 2tLBXac5.

Next the big bad Annilator:

1)Pea Shooter1: 4 Ultra ac 5s, DHs, TC, ECM, extra armor and engine. ammo= 4 Uac5.

2)Big Gun 2: 2 Ultra ac 20s, LBX ac 5, DH, TC, max engine and armor(clan ferro-fibris) ammo= 2t Uac 20, 1t LBXac 5

For the token non assault mech we have the Shadow cat:

1) Machine Gun Kelly: 10 mgs, DHs, TC, JJ. ammo= 10t mg. note that this mech can work in non UA matches due to the sheer volume of ammo


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